Conventional loans typically require a borrower to have good-to-excellent credit, reasonable amounts of monthly debt obligations, a down payment of 5-20% and reliable monthly income. Conventional loans are ideal for borrowers with excellent credit and at least a 5% down payment.
FHA Loans are insured by the Federal Housing Administration, homebuyers have an easier time qualifying for a mortgage.
Personal loans up to $100,00.00 for any reason down to a 500 credit score. A personal loan can help you:
Whether you’re a new entrepreneur or a seasoned professional, smart business owners know that growth brings tremendous opportunities for profit. Your commercial property is an important aspect of growth.
MK Financial Services LLC business loans to help you grow your business. Among the products offered are: Equipment Leasing, Accounts Receivables Factoring, SBA Loans, and Business Lines of Credit.
At MK Financial Services LLC we provide hard money Fix and Flip private investor loans to qualified investors looking to acquire residential and/or commercial properties for the purposes of fix and flip.